So much is going on right now and I want to blog about every little detail but since time is of the essence, I am going to fill you in on a few events under this NEWSFEED post.
*While Brett and I were in Florida, our children were being spoiled by grandma and grandpa!! Here is grandpa with his 2 grandsons!

When Brett and I arrived at the
Moline airport from our Florida trip, we were welcomed by our 3 children, grandma, grandpa, grandma Dodie, grandpa Bill and aunt Kate. Since we didn't have time to celebrate my citizenship before we left for Florida this was the perfect time to do so. It was so nice to see everyone and give my little ones lots of hugs and kisses!!!!
Colton didn't seem to have wondered too much about where we were while he was at grandma and grandpa's but when I saw him at the airport he was less than happy with me for being gone... he got over it after a little mad crying. He did learn to say"
gwanpa" while he was with grandma and

The kids (with gma and gpa'shelp) made a huge sign reading
"Congratulations Mom!! You are our #1 citizen!" and they brought patriotic ballons and red roses! How sweet!!!
Thank you for celebration this huge event in my life!!!
* Well...there's not much that compares with that, but here's something that Brett and I did recently and enjoyed. Our friends, Mark and Sandy, took us out to dinner followed by an
Airforce Band concert. We really enjoyed the dinner and loved the concert.

The gym, where the concert was held, was packed with veterans and other people that I am assuming have family in the military. At the end of the concert, they sang the Marine, Army, and
Airforce songs....lots of veterans stood up and saluted! It just brought tears to my eyes thinking about the service that these men offered their country!

Mark and Sandy *Mark is a retired officer from the
* It feels like Spring ....even if it lasts a couple of days..
The snow in our yard is all melted and I am noticing my flowers perking up ready to welcome Spring.
Brett took the kids out to enjoy the warm weather and run some energy while chasing bubbles all over the driveway and front lawn--they had a b-l-a-s-t!!!
Colton is getting so big and walking around with the big kids(his sis and bro)

Kylie's preschool friend, and her little brother, were over for a short visit while their mom&dad were running some errands.
* Pirate and Princess movie night!
Awana did something different this Thurs. since all the
Emmaus students are on Spring Break. They rented one of the movie
theathers in town and showed a Veggie Tale movie. Dressing up was encouraged and of course we couldn't miss the opportunity. Kylie and Brayden had a great time!

That's it for now!