Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Sleepovers, tea parties and the Hawkeyes fight song!

On Friday night, Kylie had a sleepover at her friends' house (Mya and Lauren). She had a wonderful time, painting toenails, watching a movie, playing with her friends, and sleeping in sleeping bags in the basement (what a blast!)
All ready to go!

Brayden was eCsTaTiC when Kylie came back the next day. It warmed my heart!

Colton is getting so big! He is all smiles and chats! He says "daddaddaddaada" alot and is as fast as a bullet crawling around, all over the place! He has been eating table foods for a few days now, which makes life a little easier for moi!

***A few weeks ago, Kylie wanted to have a tea party. She asked if she could invite Brayden to her tea party and of course I agreed! ;). We made silly hats and had snacks with our tea.

We used the tea cups and teapot that great grandma Dodie passed down to Kylie! Thank you gmaThe guest of honor (aka brother Brayden) was....well, like Kylie put it: Brayden is a little rough mommy." I would say, it was more like an elephant in a china shop :). So we decided it would be best if the guest of honor will be using.....
.... a sippy cup instead!

Brayden listening and signing along to the Iowa Fight Song! NO tea parties for me,please. LEtS GO HAWKS!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

LOL that's so cool! *grin*