Thursday, September 1, 2011

Summer 2011

I haven't updated the blog much this summer but it is not because I have not been taking a million+ pictures. Here are some of the things that we did and some of the pictures that I took:

*** State Fair 2011!

The butter cow...need I say more?

Grandpa with Brayden on the skyride
Kylie rode with Grandma on the skyride and it is important to note that the skyride is her favorite at the fair... this tidbit of information begs the question, "Do we have a future pilot on our hands?" :-)

Clifford was at the fair also!... Seeing Clifford at the Fair, left Colton in utter amazement! hehe

We watched a very funny Western skit! The kids quoted lines from it for days and weeks to come!

We also watched "The Swampmaster's Gator show"!

Crazy bravery

*** We're going on an ant hunt...

The kids went on a bug hunt around the backyard- fun times.

*** Great Grandpa Bill turned 80 this summer!

We had a party for him at a restaurant and the whole family gathered togeher to celebrate this wonderful man!

I love this picture of Great Grandpa and Great Grandma with their 3 great grandchildren!

The HOBEN men-- Brett, Brayden, Colton, Bryan, Gpa Bill, Dakota and Bryce (LtoR)

Our little family!

This is one of my favorite pictures of all times-- I love Colton's smile and his big blue eyes, I also think his aunt, Nicole, is BEauTIfuL!!!

Earlier in the day, before Gpa Bills' bday party, we went wedding dress shopping with Kate! How fun!!! This is all of us at Texas Roadhouse after a successful day at the bridal store!

*** Mya, Lauren, Benson and Jack came over for a sleepover and a day of fun!

We had a water baloon fight-- the kids vs. Brett (I was the photographer so I was off limits when it came to water ballons....that was until I put the camera down and Brett turned all the kids on me! "Go GET mom!" )

***DAkota, Brett's youngest brother, got married this summer

It was a beautiful wedding!

The bride looked beautiful and the groom looked so hansome.

Grandma and Grandpa at the wedding

Our family at the reception dinner

Nicole did all the flowers for the wedding, she did an amazing job!

We borrowed Benji and Abby's WII and the kids had a b-l-a-s-t playing.

Brett tied Brayden's tie for the 1st time! (it was an emotional time for me...)

*** Earlier in the summer, Kylie and Brayden were in swimming lesson...

*** Kylie learned to ride her bike without the training wheels!! Woohoo! Way to go Kylie!

*** Colton found himself a girlfriend this summer...

*** ...and he gave himself a black eye, when he ran into the corner of a picnic table (scary and sad! :-( but it did not bring his spirits down, he was so tough)

**** I am sorry about the weird spacing. I am not sure how to fix the problem, I keep adjusting the space in between pictures or sentences and when I publish the post, it shows up with the same weird spacing. If you have a blog and know how to fix this spacing problem, let me know, please! :)

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