Sunday, January 17, 2010

Iuliana's fashion corner

Okay, i am so excited about this sweater dress and the new spring/summer dress I recently purchased. I just have to share!!!
Here is my ($7) sweater dress, paired with gray&black tights (AE $6)
Teal and gold necklace passed down from Grandma Dodie (i LOVE this necklace)
*thanks Grandma! :)
Teal flats from Target ($19.99)
*Bday gift from Kate! xoxo

Now, on to my twistneck yellow spring/summer dress. I would like to loose a couple of pounds for it to look better on me, but what better motivation than this SUPER cute dress!!+ I am doing a weight loss program with some friends, so that should help with that! ;)
I love the necklace and bracelet with it *bday gift from Carley! love them!
And of course my teal flats to complete the outfit! Is it spring yet??!!
Kylie's turn!!! I found these ohh so cute clips at Target. They come in a set of 4 and they are only $3.22. SO CUTE, right?
I cannot end this post before I mention our first mother/daughter outing to the beauty salon. We didn't do anything drastic, just a little trim for the both of us, but it was Kylie's 1st time going to a beauty salon and it is worth mentioning of course!!!! Mother/daughter outings are my favorite!


Anonymous said...

I have those same shoes!

Grant and Jodie said...

hot mama!!!