Monday, December 14, 2009

Christmas program

Sunday was the Christmas program at our church...
Grandpa, Grandma, aunt Nicole, and uncle Bryce(pictured) met us at the church. After the program, we all came to our house to hang out, have lunch and set up the kids' new bunk beds! (thank you Bryce and Nicole for the bunk beds- K and B lOvE them and have NEvER been this excited to go to bed!)
Grandpa with Colton...
Grandma with Kylie (Nice poze Bryce, glad you finally decided to accept my excessive picture snapping and cooperated!!!! hahaha)
The kids did a great job singing and reciting their lines-- how fun!
* If you just received our Christmas card in the mail and are looking for our Christmas letter, please scroll down and read the post "Merry Christmas"!!

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