Sunday, March 13, 2011

No, thanks.

Brett and I have been teaching Colton how to politely decline an offer, how to say "No, thank you." instead of a screeching"NOOOOOO!!"
What we meant to teach him was to politely refuse to do something that he has a choice about, like: playing with a certain toy, or if I offer him something to drink and he is not thirsty, etc.... However, he has now mastered the art of politely saying "no" in a very matter-of-fact, calm tone for everything he doesn't want to do.
For example:
"You need to eat a few more bites of your food before you have dessert"
"No thanks."
" Colton, please share with your brother!"
"No thanks"

"I need you to be sweet and gentle"
"No thanks."
...and the one in the video is the classic
"It's naptime/bedtime!"
"NO thanks."


aimee said...

haha! i love how we teach them how to be polite and somehow it always backfires... :)

Unknown said...