Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Tri-State Chrisitan School High School graduates!

My first teaching job after College was as a 6th grade teacher at Tri-State Christian School in Galena, Illinois. It seems to me like it was recent but in reality it's been 6 years since the year I taught 6th grade and my students then, are now graduating HIGH SCHOOL. One parent said to me, "I am okay with it because I enjoyed every stage they were in." I hope to be that parent at my kids' graduation but I have a strange premonition that when this day will come for my own kids, I will be the parent that is sobbing wondering where did the time go and did I do right by my kids....Anyways, enough rambling, with no further due, here are some pictures from the HiGH SCHOOL GRADUATION of my darling 6th graders!

The Valadictorian- Bethany-- she will be attending Emmaus in the fall.

Two of my students, Becca and Jacob(no pic of Jacob) went to Galena High School and Kylie and I attended their graduation.

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