Thursday, March 26, 2009

March Maddness

I am borrowing this term from the basketball world to just say:"Is it really the end of March? Where has this month gone?" Since this month flew by, I didn't have time to update the blog with news, so here are some quick highlights.

Kylie has a new bike!!!
Grandma and grandpa bought Kylie a new bike that she can enjoy this summer and hopefully for the next couple of summers. Both Kylie and Brayden enjoyed going bike shopping and Kylie was ecstatic to pick her new bike. Thank you grandma and grandpa!!!

Kylie's bike has a pouch for snack and a water bottle. Here she is sharing her water with her very thirsty brother.

Since Kylie got a new bike, Brayden inherited her old one. Brayden can't quite reach the pedals but he still enjoys "walking along on the bike."

Brayden's vocabulary has more than doubled and he is even coming up with 2-3 words phrases and some sentences!! One of the most frequently used phrases is" Shoot basketball". You can see him here dunking the ball!
Colton- aka "little man" is not so little anymore. He is growing at a steady pace. He is getting really good at holding his head up but still dislikes tummy time. He smiles, cooes, and the newest trick is LaUGhiNg --- LOVE IT!

We had a couple of beautiful spring weather days and we were able to go outside and enjoy the swings, slide and bikes.

One Saturday, we took the kids to McDonalds' play room and had some -not so good for you- lunch.

One Sunday this month i went to Davenport for a girls night out. We went out to eat and to the Broadway play "Mamma Mia". It was a great evening!
In the picture, from left to right: Kate, Nicole, Jill and me.

1 comment:

Grant and Jodie said...

must be so busy w/ 3! BUT SO FUN.