Wednesday, December 17, 2008


It's a BOY!!!

COLTON BRYAN was born on December 17th at 9:45 am.
He was 8#13oz and 20 and a half inches long!
We gave him the middle name Bryan after his grandfather Bryan (Brett's dad), because we wish him to be a godly man and a good father like him some day. Colton is a name that we both liked and we thought it will fit well with the rest of our children.
Our due date was December 15th but Colton decided to wait a couple of days until the 17th to make it more of a dramatic arrival!! Throughout the night I had a few strong contractions but nothing too bad until 7 a.m. The contractions were strong but not very consistent. Considering I was already dilated to 4cm. and 80% effaced at my last appointment, we decided it would be best to head to the hospital...and good thing we did. We arrived at the hospital at 8:30 am and Colton was born at 9:45 am. Praise the LORD for his mercy!!
Colton is healthy, lively, a great sleeper (so far), and he has some healthy lungs on him!!


Emily said...

What a cutie! Oh man, I can't wait to hold that boy!!! Congrats Hobens! Love you guys.

Ashlee said...


Elizabeth Cravillion said...

Congratulations! He's so precious! I'm thanking the Lord that he arrived safely. :) What do Kiley and Brayden think of him?

MarieWit said...

He's soooo adorable. I think he looks a lot like Kiley! ... At least the blondish hair and the nose! ;) I like the comment about his lungs! *grin* I hope I can come see you; if not in hospital, at home! (Hopefully the weather wont mess it all up ...)
TTFN, much love and blessings
the Wittes