Monday, February 14, 2011

I'm a Hawkeye... just like my grandpa!

My boys love their grandpa!
They love doing chores with him, they like to wrestle and play catch with him!
On Friday, grandma and grandpa came to Dubuque to spend the afternoon with us, and go to the play "Buddy-The Buddy Holly story" that night with Brett and I.
Kylie is reading a magazine and books with Grandma...
...while the boys are playing catch with Grandpa!
The boys are wearing their new Hawkeye Tshirts that simply stated a fact: "I am a Hawkeye...just like my Grandpa." (Kylie got one too, but she didn't put it on right away because it did not match her outfit) :D

(*snuggling on the couch with Grandpa after nap)

1 comment:

Grant and Jodie said...

i cant believe your baby is 2!! wil you guys have more? thats awesome you like homeschooling. i don't really have a desire to homeschool. we are really want them to go to the christian school i taught at just down the road. so we'll see. homeschooling seems like too much work. and plus i want my kids to be smarter than me! ha