Wednesday, January 12, 2011


*Church Christmas program this year was held at Emmaus. Brett and I were in charge of planning the brunch, decorating the Emmaus Marble Chapel and organized the kids Christmas program. We had a lot of help and it was a success. :)

Four generations Hoben women-Great-gma Dodie, aunt Kate, Kylie and Gma Jill

Kate and Kylie :)

Our UD foreign exchange student from China, NK, came to the Christmas program as well!
(pray for his salvation, he has recently asked to come to church with us, praise the LORD!)

After the program, Gma Dodie, Gpa Bill, Bryan, Jill, and Kate came back to our house. Colton opened his bday presents and gave everyone hugs. Love the one of him hugging gma!

Aunt Kate got a good ol' hug from her nephews!

Colton LoVeD all the presents(yes, he's a bit dramatic-he gets that from his dad, haha!)

* Wilson-Hoben Christmas!
This is a good picture of Kate and Dakota at the Wilson-Hoben Christmas party!

The kids loved their many presents from the Wilsons and Snyders!
Mother and son(aunt Jackie with Eric)
*The Motts come over!

Brett, Jim and Dakota
Dakota with his favorite blondes
*Christmas morning at gma and gpa's

*Christmas afternoon at Gma Dodie's and gpa Bill's was a lot of fun!
Gma made all of us girls bracelets and Kylie a necklace out of her grandma's jewelery-neat!

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