Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Go Fish Guys and Hula Hoops

The Go Fish Guys is a band that sings Christian kids music. Brayden and Kylie, along with all their church friends, went to see them in concert in Chicago as part of the Sunday School curriculum. Daddy was their chaperon, and judging from the picture and the stories they're telling, they had a grand ol' time!

Brett with Kylie, Brayden and Mya (kylie's friend)
Autograph time!
The Concert!
(the autograph came after the concert but I loaded the pictures out of order...you get the idea)

All the GAC kids and chaperons waiting for the concert to begin
Showing off their backstage passes.

Now, on to some more fun! Our friends, the Warrens, lended us their Wii for 1 months (Thanks you Warrens!!!) Brett and I have been enjoying all the games and the Wii Fit program. The kids played it a couple times and it's always so fun watching them.

Here is Brayden playing the HULA HOOP game

1 comment:

Elizabeth Cravillion said...

LOL! Look at those hips shakin'. :D