Tuesday, April 28, 2009

News feed

Here is a quick recap of the most current events in our family.

Kylie is taking swimming lessons! She is really enjoying splashing in the water and playing fun games with her instructor and the other little girl in her group. The night before the first lesson she said she will go to swimming lessons but she won't get in the water. After we disscused why that defeats the purpose of taking swimming lessons, the next day she did an amazing job. She is very brave and we are so proud of her!

Brayden, the big brother that he is, graduated from crib sleeping to a big boy bed. I thought this was going to be quite a headache, but he is adjusting very well to this change. He has been sleeping in the twin bed for the past couple of nights and today is his first nap in the "big bed".
Here he is reading a book in his bed before nap.

Kylie came in to give Brayden a hug and kiss before nap time.
Colton -- my sweet baby boy is 4 months already!!!.... I was beyond excited the other day when I layed him on the floor for some tummy time and he rolled right over as if it was no big deal. I was ecstatic!!! We had the well child exam yesterday, Colton weighs 17#6oz. and is 26 in. long, which puts him in the 90% for both weight and lenght. He is Mr. social, laughs, and grabs toys. His brother and sister spoil him very much!!!

1 comment:

Grant and Jodie said...

that picture of Colten could win a contest! so adorable. seems there is always something exciting with 3 little ones in the house.